Category Archives: Wednesday Words

Nostalgic Notes: Toys

I had way too much fun googling pictures of nostalgic toys.  So much that I had to stop myself because I easily could’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time on the task. 🙂   Here’s what I found! I was born in 1976 so I got that awesome 70’s and 80’s era of toys.

I can’t remember what kind of doll this was, but I adored it. I’m about 2 or 3 in this pic. 🙂

I was so good at this game! LOL

FREAKING LOVED my Alphie! They’re not as cool anymore.

I remember playing with this forever.

Such a weird toy but I loved it…

Okay so apparently I’ve always loved monkeys (sorry, Bron… LOL). I had the boy Monchichi and took him everywhere. Then on my 10th bday I got the little mini one but that same day his hair on his head came off so I named him Baldy. LOL He looked so cute with the bald head that we never glued it back on.

Of course I had Wicket the girl Ewok. My cousin Erik who is two weeks older than me had the boy. LOL

I was so sad when we sold this in a garage sale. I was like 19… LOL Hadn’t used it in forever but I fondly remembered it.

True story… my dad bought me a Rainbow Brite but hadn’t given it to me. In the meantime I told him that I thought she was lame. So he never gave her to me. He kept her in his room and tortured me with it. LOL

Pretty sure Erik owned this one… we played with it for hourrrrrs.

I can still remember the sound this made!

Oh yes… the original doctor kit with the case!

Erik had this one too. Fucking hated this game! So much anxiety!  LOL this and Jack in the Box…

SOOOO many hours! Never owned one, but Erik had several. 🙂 They had all the cool toys.

So much love! ❤️


So much fun!

And last but not least… the Weeble treehouse with the swing! And the choke-able Weebles. They’re so big now so that littles can’t eat them.

Let’s see what the other girls came up with for their nostalgic toys!

Bronwyn | Deelylah | Gwen

Wordless Wednesday: Happiness



Bronwyn | KrisPaige | Gwen | Jessica

Wordless Wednesday – A Week in the Mitten

Time for another picture version of Wednesday Words. *sings* “Picture Pages, Picture Pages, lots of fun with crayons and with pencils!”  Someone please tell me you remember that song and show… I loved that show!  Anywho… Here’s a photo (or two) a day from the past week. 


I don’t own this mug but I need it. I found out recently that someone believes I’m not a “real” social worker because I don’t have a master’s degree. *extreme eye roll*



Snuggled with my fur niece who’d been home alone for too long. 



Biweekly nail appt!  


Woke up to her staring at me like this. Silly, Monkey! She turned two last Monday!


This one will sit and protect the yard all day if we let her. 



I had an actual three day weekend with no home visits, no paperwork, and no client crisis.  There was knitting on the never ending Hue Shift Afghan. 



Showing off how gigantic and fluffy she is now that she’s 2 years and 1 week old. 🙂



 Mid afternoon nap thanks to a client cancellation. 

Have a great week! 

Bronwyn | Jess | Kris | Jessica | Gwen 

Wednesday Words: To Know or Not?

  “Write what you know.” 

If you’re a writer you’ve heard that over and over again in books, blogs, and articles on writing. Hell, even if you’re not a writer you’ve probably heard it.  The question remains though, is it good advice?

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve thought that I should write a book about something I’ve experienced.  My clinical depression, dropping out and then returning to high school, being bisexual, my absolutely insane job, being biracial… There should be tons of stuff just waiting for me to write. One of my favorite books I’ve ever written was about a biracial, bisexual chick who was studying child psychology. I loved writing about her but I don’t feel like it was necessarily because we had shared interests and life experiences… I just really liked her as a character.  My lead females are always a part of me in one way or another.  They may live in a different state, do a different job, and have different lives but there are bits and pieces of me in there. So in that respect I would say that yes, writing what you know can be helpful.

With that said though, I also have to say that writing what you don’t know can be awesome too. My other favorite book I’ve written is about a photographer on a concert tour. That is by all means something I’ve never done.  But it was super fun to write and make things up as I went along. That character actually shares my first name so it’s easy to get lost in it and I’ve always thought that being a tour photographer would be the coolest job… But yeah, I made it all up. 🙂 I also tend to write in first person so no matter what my character is named, I become her when I’m writing.

So to write what you know or not? Honestly, I say a little bit of both. Almost everything I’ve tried to write that relies heavily on what I know fizzles and I get stuck on. But if I throw bits and pieces of real stuff in with the made up stuff, I think, at least for me, it works better. I mean, come on, I write a lot of love stories but haven’t had a boyfriend or girlfriend for so many years that I don’t want to type the number. LOL So yeah, I make all that shit up cause I’m definitely not living it!  I almost feel like sometimes writing what I know is too hard. I also worry that if for example I write a character based on real life asshattery and it gets published then the person will know I wrote about him/her and hate me for it. LOL Don’t you remember that post on anxiety and overthinking things?  Plus, if we write what we know then we can’t have fun things like vampires, warewolves, fairys, and other magical beings, right? Not that I’ve ever written those things, but you know what I mean. 🙂 

Clear as mud, right? 🙂 That’s just how I roll! 

Let’s see what my girls all think on the subject, shall we?

Kris | Jess | Bronwyn | Paige | Jessica | Kayleigh | Gwen

Wednesday Words: Too Much

This week we’re supposed to be talking about the things we spend too much time on. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, my job. But you’ve heard about that ad nauseum, right?  So here’s a short list of other things I can think of. 🙂 

  • Worrying: I’m a worry wart. I’ve had problems with anxiety all of my life although I didn’t really have a name for it until a few years ago. Growing up I was afraid of the dark, afraid of sleeping alone, afraid of strangers, and painfully shy. I still struggle with all of those things today too, just in different levels of severity. My job makes me worry, I worry about my parents, about my babies, about my friends, and panic attacks. Anxiety blows. I do my best, but it’s been a really hard couple of years for my anxiety and the job doesn’t help.
  • Rereading and editing: Because my writing career started with serial fanfic I got in the habit of sort of publishing as I went along. So if I posted a chapter I couldn’t go back and change it later because it was already out there for reading. Because of that I struggle with leaving a chapter incomplete and going back to fill in the blanks when I’m writing. I also HAVE to write in chronological order. So when I’m trying to write something that isn’t being immediately shared with readers I go back and retread and edit allllll of the time instead of just getting the story out.   I often get stuck because of it. I also worry about it being “good enough” which we all know is a no no.  miss serial writing and the excitement of regular feedback!  
  • Caring: No, it’s not a bad thing to care. Especially if you’re a social worker. But sometimes I care too much and wind up upset because I care more than the person with the problem does. I know for a fact there have been times I’ve lost sleep over a client who wasn’t losing sleep over their own life. It’s just hard to turn off. 🙂   
  • Disney: Okay no, there’s never too much a Disney as far as I’m concerned. But I suppose if judgey outsiders were looking at my life they’d think I watch too much Disney channel for a single chick in her upper 30’s who has no children. I’d much rather watch Good Luck Charlie over some housewives of wherever show.  Don’t get me wrong, I love certain reality tv, and have regular grown up shows I love too… But my go to is Disney.   
  • Procrastinating: Yeah, I tend to procrastinate. It’s a side effect from my depression and anxiety. I know that if I were more on top of things it would help, but I also just get so damn worn out sometimes that I’m like, “Fuck it, I’m taking a nap!” LOL     

That’s all I can think of for now. I should’ve been asleep a while ago. When this posts I’ll be on a 3rd grade Earth Day field trip with my Doodlebutt. :p 

Let’s see what my lovelies spend too much time doing, shall we? 

Kris | Bronwyn | Jess | Gwen | Jessica | Paige | Kayleigh 

Wednesday Words : Favorite Websites

This month’s list of favorite things is all about websites.  So here we go! – I love that at any time I can look up an actor find out what they’ve been up to, settle a disagreement about a movie or tv show, and view trailers. Today we were watching The Bodyguard and I thought, “I wonder what the guy who played the little boy Fletcher looks like now…” Thanks to IMDB, I know. 🙂 – I’m a photo junkie. Always have been. I love that IG is kind of mix of Twitter with pictures but without the bullshit drama often found on Facebook. I get to follow adorable animals, celebrities, fellow crafters, and all sorts of people. Plus, the IG community is kind of amazing.  (My IG link is in the sidebar.) – Time suck galore, but I love being able to connect with people all over the world so easily. – The Google is my friend. – Knitting/crochet community, database, pattern resource etc. much like Pinterest, it can be a massive time suck that avtually takes away from actual crafting… But I love being a le to search for patterns and see what other people are making. – I love being able to keep track of how many books I read each year, find new books to read, save lists of book I want to read, and occasionally write a review if I feel like it. 🙂 

Oh and two bonus sites that make me giggle til I cry… – I can’t go to this site often because I laugh so hard it hurts. Seriously, best mood enhancer ever. – I used to visit this one daily. It’s just silly goodness. 🙂 

Happy surfing!

Jess | Bronwyn | Jessica | Kris | Gwendolyn | Kayleigh

Wednesday Words – 5 words or less


My Life

My Family


Bronwyn | Jessica J | Gwendolyn | Kris | Jessica D

Wordless Wednesday: on my walls

This week’s topic is easy peasy! We’re starting a new thing called Wordless Wednesday once a month where you’ll get photos of our weekly topic. This time around we’re sharing what is on our walls. Since we just moved we’re still in the process of getting things hung up. There are a whole lot of picture frames that haven’t yet made it. But here’s a quick tour of the few things that are in place. 🙂










Kris | Jessica | Gwendolyn | Kayleigh | Bronwyn

The Girl With The Old Lady Bones

Arthritis might slow me down but it will never stop me!

Go-To-For-OT Blog

Sharing and Caring in Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Dauchshunds and Xanax

and other assorted ramblings

Babbling Brook

The mind wonders. Come along for the trip

Thoughts Off the Top of My Head

My life in black and white.

Writing is Hard

So sayeth the Prophet Chuck

Kris Norris

My life in black and white.

Nude XXX pics

My life in black and white.


My life in black and white.

Marj's Musings this all there is?

Trout Nation

Your One Stop Procrastination Shop


my life with knitting