Wed Words – Happy

Apologies for being absent for a few weeks. Things around here haven’t been so great. In fact, I’m currently on a two week medical leave from work because things with my depression have been so bad. Which is funny considering I’m supposed to write this week about what makes me happy. That’s a really hard thing to ask of someone who is in a double depression. But, I’ll do my best.

* My Doodlebutt – I love my niece and nephews all so much that I can’t put it into words. But the youngest one, aka Doodlebutt, is kind of in his own special category. Maybe it’s because he’s almost 8 and still likes a good snuggle, or because he hasn’t grown out of Aunt Kellie being on the Cool list… But there’s just something about the kid that makes me grin. Yeah, he can annoy me at times, but generally he makes me giggle like a nut. He’s uber creative and makes up the craziest stories. He just wants to be listened to, and so I do my best to do that for him as much as I can. He’s the baby and his bigger sibs aren’t always so appreciative of his crazy creative spirit, so I give him as much love as I can, and he gives it right back.

* Knitting – I used to knit every day. Now, my hands wouldn’t really let me do that, but I really do enjoy a good knit session with friends. When Bronwyn and Jenny started knitting this year I was SO happy! I don’t get to knit with them nearly enough due to the fact we all live an hour apart, but when we do, it’s great. And I’ve been trying to make an effort to find time to knit with my local peeps more too. I’m working on a sweater that I cannot wait to wear! It’s the first sweater I’ve knit for myself. 🙂

* Medication – Okay, medication doesn’t make me happy, but it helps make it easier for me to be happy despite this annoying disorder.

* My Mom – My mom is kind of amazing. She puts up with me and never gives up on me even when I’m on the crazy train. I love her long time.

* Coffee – I’m not exactly an emotional eater, but I do tend to use coffee as a reward. Had a rough home visit? You deserve a trip to Starbucks! I know, it’s not great to reward with food/drink, but coffee really is a comfort to me and so is sitting in a coffee shop.

* Great Books – I love to get lost in a good book. I stayed up til 3:30 this morning reading Jenny’s The Bride before I couldn’t stay awake any longer. 🙂 Books always make me want to write too.

* Fall – Fall is my favorite season. I love the color changes, being able to wear jeans and socks, not being sweaty all the time… It’s bliss. Of course, tomorrow it’s going to be in the mid 70’s here, geesh.

* Friends – I have some pretty amazing friends. The kind who stick around even when I’m not myself and know that I’ll eventually get back.

* Movies – I would go see a movie every day if I could. They kind of fall into the same category as books and music… Great escapes. I saw This Is Where I Leave You last weekend and it was SO good! Great movies make me want to write as well.

* Backstreet Boys – You saw this one coming, right? I love them, they make me happy, I’m not planning on giving them up anytime soon. My first concert was 16 years ago last week. 🙂

* Blog Comments – Okay, this is a shameless plea… I KNOW people read this blog because I get notifications that the posts have been viewed and I have followers. But for some reason only a handful of you take time to respond. If you’re one of those people… I LOVE you! Seriously. Writing a blog that no one bothers to comment on is depressing. It’s like talking and feeling like no one is listening. Just take a minute to respond, please? It really isn’t that hard and I don’t have one of those damn password things that you have to type in order to post. 🙂 Even if you just say hi, it’s awesome.

So there you have it… What makes YOU happy? Let me know and then see what my girls have to say.

Kris Norris | Bronwyn Green | Jessica Jarman | Gwendolyn Cease

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