Guest Post: Sly Boy

Hi, my name is Sly-Boy. Actually, my given name is Sly Cooper but no one ever calls me that.


I am beautiful. The runt in the background is Storm. Shea’s okay and sometimes I let her clean my ears, but she’s a baby and has way too much energy.


This is my window. I use it to watch the birdies, the Bringer of the Boxes, and all of those low class strays who seem to think they own the big room outside of my window. One day I will figure out how to get into that room.


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That’s the Elder Cat, Kira. She says mean things to me. I get her back by making poo in her favorite litter box.


See my paws? Beautiful.


Sometimes I do cute things like this with my beautiful paws. Then when someone pets my belly, Kung Fu Kitty! Rawr!

I suppose I should talk about my human since this is her blog. She gives good head bumps for a human, I don’t like it when she cleans my ears, and I only bite her occasionally.

I’m bored now, send canned food, and those puffy Cheetohs things.




Loki Takes Over the Blog

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